We are searching for comrades-in-arms for revolutionising the injection moulding industry
Our vision: A world where production takes place in a responsible and resource-saving manner.
- So far, the potential of injection moulding is not fully used yet. As a consequence, valuable resources such as energy, raw materials and working time are wasted every day.
- It is therefore our mission to provide analysis & sensor systems to record relevant production data & and make it visible immediately.
- This is how wasting resources may be avoided.

Wir suchen Mitstreiter für eine Revolution in der Spritzgussindustrie
Unsere Vision: Eine Welt, in der verantwortungsvoll und ressourcenschonend produziert wird.
- Bisher ist das volle Potenzial in der Spritzgießproduktion nicht ausgeschöpft. Somit werden täglich wertvolle Ressourcen wie Energie, Rohstoffe und Arbeitszeit verschwendet.
- Deshalb ist es unsere Mission Analyse- & Sensor-Systeme zur Verfügung zu stellen, die relevante Produktionsdaten erheben & auf einen Blick sichtbar machen.
- So kann Ressourcenverschwendung vermieden werden.
Our Values
We work as a team in which everybody take responsibility for themselves to make their contributions to the big picture
Appreciation is reflected by all our actions - among employees, customers, partners and towards the environment
We always deliver the best result in quality and inspire each other to achieve outstanding performance levels
Open positions at AISEMO
Technical Writer on contract-for-work basis F/M/D
in Linz, Vienna or Weibern
Employees & benefits
We offer flexible working times and places: you can work in our offices in Weibern, Linz, Vienna or from home.
At our company restaurant in Weibern, we offer freshly prepared menus at preferable prices every day. In Linz, the canteen of the Johannes Kepler University may be used.
AISEMO is a start-up company and offers you take an active role in shaping a new company. We develop new things - this means: test, trial, fail, learn, win and grow.
You will get a laptop computer and a mobile phone that you can also use privately.
We pay allowances to support your using environmentally friendly transportation.
Due to regular interviews with a manager, your career can develop in an optimum way, and we are always aware of your requests.
We support any type of development and appreciate colleagues who want to develop continuously. You also get a day off for your graduation party!
Together we are strong. The company encourages you to participate in sports events. We ideally build up a team and have the experience together. Of course you will get your own AISEMO running shirt!
No time to work because there are too many meetings? Not with us. Thursday is our day with no meetings at all.
If you know someone who could fit well with us and one of the job vacancies, and the person is hired you get a bonus.